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What To Do On the First Day of Art Class

Colorful watercolor frame with a paintbrush and palette surrounding the text "First Day of Art Class, Projects & Books.

Hello! I am already seeing lots of posts in Facebook groups asking what to do in the first few days of art class. In this post, I will walk you through what I plan to do this year in my classes. This is very similar to what I have done in other years. First, I start all classes with basic introductions and talking about the room and art class. We go over the rules and expectations. I use a video … Read more…

Best Hacks for Art Teachers and Back to School Bundle

Students’ art supplies, paint bottles, and artwork are shown with the text "23 Best Art Room Hacks" at the bottom—perfect tips for art teachers gearing up for back to school.

Are you looking for the best ways to save time, save money and spruce up your room? Of course you are! I teamed up with Glitter Meets Glue and some of my blogger friends to compile a list of 23 Art Room Hacks. Hop on over to Glitter Meets Glue to read this post. Back to School Resource Bundle As you are planning out your next year, be sure to think about how you will start the new school year. … Read more…

Round-Up of Name Design Art Projects

Book cover of "My Name" by Supriya Kelkar and Sandhya Prabhat, featuring an illustration of a child surrounded by various scenes of family, daily life, and name design art projects.

Hi! Today I have a round-up of Name Design art projects for you. Name projects are wonderful to do at the beginning of the year for a number of reasons. First, it is a great way to learn all your students’ names. Second, it’s a great way for students to share about themselves. You can easily tie in personal interests to name designs. Third, it’s a familiar subject matter to kids and a less intimidating way to start the year. … Read more…

Grid Name Design for Back to School

A colorful drawing composed of repeated text spelling "MARCIA" in various alternating colors and patterns within a grid layout on white paper, creating an eye-catching grid name design perfect for back to school.

Are you looking for an easy back to school project for your students? Here is a name design that I have taught in the past. This will be easy for you to do, with very little prep. My own kiddo did this project in their 2nd grade class and that is where I got the idea. It is so simple yet makes cool results. All you need to do is print out the grid paper and maybe make an example … Read more…

Back to School Tips and Projects for the Art Teacher

Back to School! Tips and Projects for Art Class" text with colorful pencils and paper boats on a black background.

Hi friends! Many schools are already going back for the new school year and I thought I would round up some previous posts you may have missed from years ago that may help you come up with some ways to start your school year off right! The first section contains links and pictures from my blog. The second section contains blog posts from some of my art teacher friends! Tips and Projects for Back to School from Art is Basic … Read more…

All About Me Student Survey

A student survey titled "All About Me" with 20 personal questions, including hobbies, favorites, and future aspirations.

Hi all! I’ve been working on a few things for my classroom and I wanted to share with you one new resource that is available in my TPT shop. It is an All About Me Student Survey. This is an interest survey perfect for the first couple of days of school. As an art teacher, I will use these surveys for my students to generate ideas for an All About Me silhouette artwork. (Last year I did an all about … Read more…

3 Back to School Ideas

Colorful and creatively designed children's backpacks with various patterns and drawings, featuring rainbows, hearts, and unicorns. Ideal for back to school, these backpacks inspire imaginative ideas among young students.

During the first week of school, you want to be teaching routines and expectations for your art class. I always like to ease into the school year with some simple, yet creative projects to get to know my students. I am going to share with you three fun Back-to-School ideas that you can try in your art classroom. 1. Creative Backpack My students used the template created by Hey Art Mama to make these creative backpacks. (I do not receive … Read more…

Positive Words Banner: Inspiring for Back to School

An inspiring display with colorful words like "Curious," "Amazing," "Creative," "Awesome," and "Imagine" drawn on a whiteboard, adorned with various decorations.

At the end of the year last year, my students created this colorful and inspiring banner that we are displaying in the hallway now.  We loosely marked out the ABCs on a large banner and kids thought of positive words to go along with each letter.  Then, we used letter stencils of varying sizes to write the words.  These were colored in with patterns and designs. I had this project set up as a choice activity after they were done … Read more…

Getting to Know You Activity: Art History Folded Petals

Flower-shaped activity chart with art tasks, including cartoon, signature design, draw a scene, and recreation of famous works. Great for integrating Art History lessons or as a fun "Getting to Know You" project with its folded petals design.

Art History Folded Petal– Getting to Know You Activity     This is a fun and educational “Getting to Know You” activity I did with some classes last year.  I have these art history folded petal templates in my shop. On one side are artworks from art history with a little prompt.  For example, Dog Lying in the Snow, by Franz Marc.  The prompt is “Draw a favorite animal.  On the reverse side of the folded petals, the students draw … Read more…

9 Kindness Books for Kids

A collection of children's books about kindness, arranged vertically. Text above and below reads "Books for Kids.

I was on a mission last year to find some excellent books about KINDNESS for kids.  I found NINE books to recommend to you.  There were others I came across, but these were my favorites.  If you have any good recommendations for books about kindness, please share in the comments!  Thank you!  (Amazon Affiliate links have been used in this post at no extra cost to you.) I think kids need to be taught kindness.  They need to be made … Read more…

Back to School Ideas

Colorful image with text: "Let's Get Start-ed!" and lockers with an "Art Class" sign. Art Ed Blogger's Network logo above, perfect for back to school inspiration.

I am not quite ready to go back to school yet and I am guessing you are not ready either.  But, the Art Ed Blogger’s Network is here to help you start planning!  Our topic this month is the “first week of school”. A few years ago, I compiled a huge list of tips for the first days of school.  These tips were submitted by art teachers all over the world.  This gigantic list of tips will help you get … Read more…

Back to School Letter Art for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade

A child's hand is coloring a large letter "C" with crayons on a piece of paper, creating delightful Letter Art ideal for Pre-K projects.

Hi all!  I hope your school year is off to a great start.  This project is how I began the year with my youngest students.  First, I read them two short books about creativity and making art.  First, we read Think Big.  It’s very short and simple (about two words on each page), but it shows different ways people express themselves.. dancing, sewing, cooking, woodworking, theater, art, etc. The title Louise Loves Art has two meanings.  Ask your students if … Read more…

Free Printable: Faith Ringgold Inspired Quilt Template

A child's drawing of a family surrounded by a colorful mosaic frame, with a hand resting at the bottom, inspired by Faith Ringgold.

Hi!  I’m here today to share with you a meaningful art project for your younger students.  This would be good as as a “getting to know you” activity.  The following examples were all made by kindergartners near the end of the year, but I would think this lesson would be suitable for kids through grades 2. Many art teachers have taught about the artist Faith Ringgold and had their students create paper quilts.  I have a free printable for you … Read more…

All About Me Collaborative Puzzle Pieces

Four colorful and uniquely decorated puzzle pieces with various drawings and patterns, perfect for a collaborative project.

You are part of the puzzle!  Each student in my older grades (3-5) made a puzzle piece about themselves and their interests.  I should have written:  You are a PIECE of the puzzle.  Or, I could have said: We all fit together.  I know, it’s kind of corny, but the puzzle piece making was fun. I bought a set of wooden puzzle pieces (the package came with two pieces) and I traced them onto several pieces of tagboard to make … Read more…

The Best Thing I Did to Start My School Year

Colorful "ARTSY" banner with letters on pencil-shaped flags against a red background with a vibrant chevron border.

Hi!  Welcome back to another artsy school year! I had a brilliant breakthrough this summer while reading Facebook Art Teacher groups online.  Someone had created a video about their rules and procedures for their art room.  I saw that and I thought that I DEFINITELY needed to do that! As a K-4/5 art teacher (I no longer teach the 5th/6th graders.. that grade level went to our new art teacher), I see a lot of classes.  But, I still probably … Read more…

  • Banner with colorful artwork promoting an art shop featuring kindness coloring pages, artist activities, and resources for teachers.