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Nest & Chicks added to our Silhouette Mural

We made a few updates to our mural at school. We painted the original in 2015.

This year, after some unfortunate defacing with Sharpie, we cleaned it up and realized some areas needed touching up. So my helpful middle school study hall kids decided to touch up and help me with some additions.

They added the chicks and chicken at the front (every other year our Science department hatches chicks).

And then we decided to add a tree branch with a nest. We are called Eagle School and our Kindergarten is called the Nest. So we felt it was a good idea.

Soon after this picture was taken, we decided to add butterflies!  We had such a blast adding some extra touches to our mural.

The original mural was created with silhouettes traced from projected shadows of students. Each of the silhouette students represents a different department at our school…. Music, Science, Language Arts & Social Studies, P.E./Sports, Computers/Tech, Foreign Languages, Art & Drama, and Math. The dog is based off of a teacher’s dog who has spent a lot of time with the kids at school and represents companionship, adventure, outdoors and play.

Here is my original post about the mural.

Here was the video I originally made about the mural and the process.


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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

One Response to Nest & Chicks added to our Silhouette Mural

  1. Beautiful, Marcia!

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