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Dr. Suess Architecture– 2nd grade

2012-10-29 20.33.31

The 2nd graders studied Dr. Suess books in their classroom.  In art class, I showed them the art of Dr. Suess.  Did you know he made paintings and sculptures?  I showed them this book:

The Secret Art of Dr. Suess.. a must-have for art teachers teaching about Dr. Suess!  I love his artwork. Fantastic, whimsical, charming!  There are a few pictures in there better left for adults, so photocopy the pages you want the kids to see and pass them out for them to look at.
I photocopied pictures from his storybooks that showed buildings and houses in the background.  The students used his whimsical style for inspiration and made their own Dr. Suess inspired pictures of architecture.  Some added characters… all of them were colorful and fanciful.
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About Marcia Beckett

Marcia is an elementary art teacher and loves painting, drawing, sculpture, art journaling and clay. Her blog, Art is Basic, features many exciting art projects for kids.

One Response to Dr. Suess Architecture– 2nd grade

  1. ArtMuse says:

    I love love love Dr. Seuss…Combing his illustrations of architectural structures from different books is a great idea for a project! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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